Havana’s Evolving Public-Private Landscape
Can Cuba’s creative class become agents for political change?
Can Cuba’s creative class become agents for political change?
Can Cuba’s creative class become agents for political change?
Can Cuba’s creative class become agents for political change?
The Smiling Gecko project in Cambodia addresses a more complex and systemic view of community life.
The Smiling Gecko project in Cambodia addresses a more complex and systemic view of community life.
Social and cultural values may be as important as hard (and expensive) infrastructure.
Social and cultural values may be as important as hard (and expensive) infrastructure.
America’s biggest financial threat isn’t excessive government spending.
America’s biggest financial threat isn’t excessive government spending.
How the spirit of Both/And infuses the architecture of the Crescent City.
How the spirit of Both/And infuses the architecture of the Crescent City.
The challenges of planning for our climate emergency.
The challenges of planning for our climate emergency.
Let’s turn our nationwide oil and gas delivery system into a network for water.
Let’s turn our nationwide oil and gas delivery system into a network for water.
A blueprint for authentic public engagement.
A blueprint for authentic public engagement.
It’s time for planners to begin replacing the R-word of the moment, resilience, with a now not-so-unthinkable one: retreat.
It’s time for planners to begin replacing the R-word of the moment, resilience, with a now not-so-unthinkable one: retreat.
Saving planet earth should be everyone’s new year’s resolution.
Saving planet earth should be everyone’s new year’s resolution.
The power of passion and humor often makes up for shortcomings in training and expertise.
The power of passion and humor often makes up for shortcomings in training and expertise.
An an architect and planner reflects on collaboration, community and trust.
An an architect and planner reflects on collaboration, community and trust.
Using timeless creative resources in innovative ways is the key to planning for the future.
Using timeless creative resources in innovative ways is the key to planning for the future.
The O’eswachaka Bridge and the power of cultural traditions.
The O’eswachaka Bridge and the power of cultural traditions.
A wildly creative team of designers, artists and fabricators create a fantastic series of “playable” installations.
A wildly creative team of designers, artists and fabricators create a fantastic series of “playable” installations.
Planners will have to begin redefine their methods of community engagement for the challenges ahead.
Planners will have to begin redefine their methods of community engagement for the challenges ahead.
In New Orleans, spontaneous eruptions of spectacle and joy are a form of public theater.
In New Orleans, spontaneous eruptions of spectacle and joy are a form of public theater.
On a recent trip to Cuba, I made a point to visit some mid century modern homes that were not designed by architects, but by the people who live in them.
On a recent trip to Cuba, I made a point to visit some mid century modern homes that were not designed by architects, but by the people who live in them.
We can no longer mitigate our way out of this mess. Responsibility for the problem will now pass to a new breed of urban designer and architect.
We can no longer mitigate our way out of this mess. Responsibility for the problem will now pass to a new breed of urban designer and architect.
A Letter from Havana on the unique DIY-required design culture there.
A Letter from Havana on the unique DIY-required design culture there.
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