What Does the Storming of the Capitol Tell Us About Classical Architecture?
The past associations with authoritarianism are clearly misplaced.
The past associations with authoritarianism are clearly misplaced.
The past associations with authoritarianism are clearly misplaced.
The past associations with authoritarianism are clearly misplaced.
Instead of knee-jerk screeds against the possibility that the U.S. government might mandate classical design, let’s take this moment to foster a more thoughtful discussion.
Instead of knee-jerk screeds against the possibility that the U.S. government might mandate classical design, let’s take this moment to foster a more thoughtful discussion.
The interpretations of what’s right and proper seem to shift with time and place.
The interpretations of what’s right and proper seem to shift with time and place.
Write your elected officials and tell them to save the Historic Tax Credits.
Write your elected officials and tell them to save the Historic Tax Credits.
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