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Our Top 10 Posts for 2021

Common Edge had its best year in 2021: Readership grew by more than 66%! Thank you to everyone who visited the site, whether for the first time or the hundredth. Here are the 10 most popular posts from the past 12 months:


  1. Not Everything Is “Architecture”

Marianela D’Aprile’s razor-sharp and glorious takedown of obtuse, apolitical design theory.


2. My 15-Minute City: Upper West Side, New York City

Jack Crager tours his Manhattan neighborhood, giving us a fascinating architectural history lesson.


3. My 15-Minute City: The Marigny, New Orleans

Thom Smith goes time-traveling in the Crescent City.



4. Confessions of an Indian Architecture Student: It’s All Bjarke Ingels’ Fault!

Pranjal Maheshwari tries—hilariously—to answer the question: Why on earth did I choose to study architecture?


5. Juhani Pallasmaa: “Architecture Is a Verb”

Michael J. Crosbie’s profound and insightful conversation with the Finnish architect.


6. Architecture Is a Deeply Emotional Experience

Fifteen-year-old Jacob DiCrescenzo’s remarkable essay on architecture and emotion.


7. Architecture and the Environmental Impact of Artificial Complexity

Michael Huston on the utter folly and irresponsibility of gratuitous formalism. 


8. Loving, Leaving, and Returning Home to Detroit

Kristin Palm’s beautiful essay on what brought her back to Detroit.


9. A General Agreement for the Practice of Contemporary Architecture

Andrés Duany offers up a wide and inclusive set of guiding principles for the profession. 


10. Reaffirming the Essential Role of Drawing in Design

Michael J. Crosbie reviews Mark Alan Hewitt’s important book Draw in Order to See.

Many thanks to all of our contributors. We wouldn’t exist without you! 



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