African Urbanism: Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Age of Megacities
It’s time to stop erasing the continent’s rich architectural heritage.
It’s time to stop erasing the continent’s rich architectural heritage.
It’s time to stop erasing the continent’s rich architectural heritage.
It’s time to stop erasing the continent’s rich architectural heritage.
The pandemic and its aftermath highlight longstanding problems, but also present opportunity.
The pandemic and its aftermath highlight longstanding problems, but also present opportunity.
A talk with the curator of the debut edition of the Congo Biennale.
A talk with the curator of the debut edition of the Congo Biennale.
A talk with Joan Razafiamaharo on the challenges of contemporary practice.
A talk with Joan Razafiamaharo on the challenges of contemporary practice.
The Nigerian city of Jos is textbook case in fear and division.
The Nigerian city of Jos is textbook case in fear and division.
Across the continent, these new developments go by different names, but all are mimicries of Dubai.
Across the continent, these new developments go by different names, but all are mimicries of Dubai.
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