Architecture Students on AI
What happens when a studio course offers AI tools and a real-world housing crisis.
What happens when a studio course offers AI tools and a real-world housing crisis.
What happens when a studio course offers AI tools and a real-world housing crisis.
What happens when a studio course offers AI tools and a real-world housing crisis.
Let’s use the power of technology to actually improve architectural learning.
Let’s use the power of technology to actually improve architectural learning.
Learning about urban planning and design outside the studio.
Learning about urban planning and design outside the studio.
A talk with the self-proclaimed activist scholar.
A talk with the self-proclaimed activist scholar.
Opening minds and defining a way of working is the ultimate payoff.
Opening minds and defining a way of working is the ultimate payoff.
The Freedom Pavilion offers a beautiful way to contemplate peace, freedom, and solidarity with Ukraine.
The Freedom Pavilion offers a beautiful way to contemplate peace, freedom, and solidarity with Ukraine.
My recent talk to high school seniors.
My recent talk to high school seniors.
Years of effort have been undone by political strife, while earthquakes have further destroyed heritage structures.
Years of effort have been undone by political strife, while earthquakes have further destroyed heritage structures.
What might appear to some as an “off-limits” realm might actually be at its heart.
What might appear to some as an “off-limits” realm might actually be at its heart.
A recent study illustrates some principles that might apply across all levels of education.
A recent study illustrates some principles that might apply across all levels of education.
Instead, point your finger at architecture’s decades-long educational focus on aesthetics.
Instead, point your finger at architecture’s decades-long educational focus on aesthetics.
Introducing them to design through their own ideas of what makes a home—and a city.
Introducing them to design through their own ideas of what makes a home—and a city.
Understanding more than one faith is much harder than dismissing all but your own.
Understanding more than one faith is much harder than dismissing all but your own.
An architecture student in India ponders his future in the profession.
An architecture student in India ponders his future in the profession.
The construction of a sukkah brought students of all faiths together.
The construction of a sukkah brought students of all faiths together.
The architect on designing with empathy, the duties of architecture, and the dangers of a profession too focused on technology and formalism.
The architect on designing with empathy, the duties of architecture, and the dangers of a profession too focused on technology and formalism.
The challenge of teaching in a rapidly changing world.
The challenge of teaching in a rapidly changing world.
It’s time to rethink how we educate and train the new generations of designers.
It’s time to rethink how we educate and train the new generations of designers.
Answering the question: “Why did you choose to study architecture?”
Answering the question: “Why did you choose to study architecture?”
The list is long and will take more than 8 years, but the time to start is now.
The list is long and will take more than 8 years, but the time to start is now.
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