Classicism Has Been Shaken Off Its Foundation
Modernism is crumbling beside it. Where does that leave architecture?
Modernism is crumbling beside it. Where does that leave architecture?
Modernism is crumbling beside it. Where does that leave architecture?
Modernism is crumbling beside it. Where does that leave architecture?
The past associations with authoritarianism are clearly misplaced.
The past associations with authoritarianism are clearly misplaced.
A play featuring Sally Hemings, Adolf Loos, Albert Speer, Walter Gropius and Frank Lloyd Wright.
A play featuring Sally Hemings, Adolf Loos, Albert Speer, Walter Gropius and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Instead of knee-jerk screeds against the possibility that the U.S. government might mandate classical design, let’s take this moment to foster a more thoughtful discussion.
Instead of knee-jerk screeds against the possibility that the U.S. government might mandate classical design, let’s take this moment to foster a more thoughtful discussion.
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