
Mid-Century Modernism on $10 a Month


By Steven Bingler

On a recent trip to Cuba, I made a point to visit some mid century modern homes that were not designed by architects, but by the people who live in them.


On a recent trip to Cuba, I made a point to visit some mid century modern homes that were not designed by architects, but by the people who live in them.

Why City Planners Love Portland


By Dennis Pieprz

The hipster capital of the world is a poster child for urban geeks everywhere–and for good reason. It’s an urban design success story.

1 Jamison Square walk

The hipster capital of the world is a poster child for urban geeks everywhere–and for good reason. It’s an urban design success story.

Calling For An End to Architecture’s Style Wars


By Ben Willis

“Architecture has a serious problem today in that people who are not alike don’t communicate,” Rem Koolhaas said, ‘I’m actually more interested in communicating with people I disagree with than people I agree with.”


“Architecture has a serious problem today in that people who are not alike don’t communicate,” Rem Koolhaas said, ‘I’m actually more interested in communicating with people I disagree with than people I agree with.”


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